The Claverito Waterfront Park is a 3,000 square meter park on the hillside leading into Claverito from the upper part of the city of Iquitos. The project is ongoing, with the first three phases 1) a central infiltration park and stairs with plants targeted for food, medicine and habitat; 2) a southern stairs, artful mural, and medicinal plant garden targeting gastrointestinal symptoms, and 3) an community center, amphitheater and garden to support social gathering and community organizing. The research team has found improvements in injury reduction, beautification, bird and butterfly biodiversity and mental wellbeing.
Traction; Centro de Investigaciones Tecnologicas, Biomedicas y Medioambientales (CITBM); University of Washington (UW) Population Health Initiative; UW Departments of Global Health, Nursing, Neurology, Environmental and Occupational Health, Dentistry, Landscape Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana; NIH Fogarty Fellows Program; Municipality of Maynas and the Landscape Architecture Foundation Olmsted Scholars Program